2024 Avon School Board & Budget Vote

This year, the Avon Free Library has requested a proposition to levy taxes annually in the amount of $170,000, increased from $143,800. The additional monies will cover growing operating expenses as well as modest salary increases closer to the local living wage, and allow the library to make necessary updates to improve technology, safety, and accessibility.

For a house assessed at $100,000 the library tax will go from $25.62 to $30.28 annually.

The vote will take place on Tuesday, May 21st from 1-9pm in the Avon Middle School Auditorium. The library’s tax levy will appear as Proposition #5.

For more information about the programs, services, and resources the library provides, take a look at our 2023 Community Impact Report.

If you have any questions about the library’s proposition, please contact Grace Frenzel by emailing avonlibrarydirector@owwl.org or calling 585-226-8461.